Sunday, October 28, 2007

Weekend Fun

We had a pretty good weekend. Friday night we got to have a date night out to my favorite restaurant On the Border. I was able to enjoy a nice relaxing dinner and even have a margarita! YUM! Addy had fun staying at Nonna and Grandpa's and playing with Auntie Em and Uncle Steve. Saturday was pretty relaxing. Sunday I got to go to a craft show with my mom without Addy. She stayed with Jay to have some quality time. It was nice to have time with just my mom, but unfortunately the craft show wasn't very exciting. We were able to go to another one and found some stuff, but still not as great as we thought. Luckily there are craft shows every weekend from now till the middle of December! We are happy!

1 comment:

stacy said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend. Can't wait to see you on Friday!