Monday, October 8, 2007

Reconnecting With Friends

I just had to post real quick and say I think it is great how people reconnect with old friends and classmates. Within the past couple weeks I have reconnected with friends that I went to highschool with, but lost touch with after graduation and everything. I think it is funny how life changes and how everything comes around again. Sorry if this is not making too much sense, I am pretty tired. I don't sleep past 6:30/7:00 these days. Sad I know, but Addison is worth it.

Anyway I really hope that I will be able to get together sometime soon with these friends. Even though it is fun to catch up over email, it will be even more fun to catch up in person. Well with that sad I should get some sleep, never can tell if Addy will wake up in the middle of night or not.

1 comment:

Alison Hunt said...

It has been great catching up with you the past couple of weeks. Thank you for e-mailing me!! Let's try and find a time where we can get together.
