Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Birthday to my 5 year old!!!

It feels like just yesterday that this little peanut was laying on me. I could cry when I think about how fast the past 5 years has gone and all we have been through. If I think about it too much, Austen should have a little 8 month old brother here to help him celebrate. He was cheated out on that and I will never forget that. He is the best brother to Addison and I know he would have been the BEST big brother to Jayden. Austen was such a miracle and I am forever thankful that he is my son. He is the sweetest little boy who always tells me he loves me just when I need to hear it. He cuddles me at all the right moments, which is EVERY moment and he is just a mama's boy. How can this sweet little boy be 5 years old!?!? I honestly didn't think this day would come as quickly as it did. I remember just snuggling him as a newborn and here he is 5 years old. I love you so much Austen Michael and wish you the best 5 year birthday ever! I love you more than you will ever know!

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