Sunday, September 24, 2017

Where have I been?

I am so sad that I haven't been able to keep this up.  I loved being able to do this, but I have been terrible about it. I mean how hard can this be to keep up a blog?! Very hard I guess.

I am not even going to attempt to recap what has been going on, but just start with the present.

Thankfully Addison and Austen is loving school! We are so thankful and blessed to have both kids with two amazing teachers. It is hard to believe this is the last year of elementary school for Addison. I mean it feels that she was just this old.

I am so not ready for this next stage in life, but I don't think anyone really is. She is really coming into her own person and I swear somedays she is 16. Help me! She is a beautiful girl and I am blessed every day that I get to be her mother, even though somedays I feel that I am not being a great one.
She loves volleyball and gymnastics and loves being around her friends! 

Austen is my sweet boy and I thank every day that he is mine. I can not believe he is in 2nd grade! Why does he have to be getting older? He is still a mama's boy and tells me he loves me about 100 times a day and I love it!  He loves school and his friends. He has such a sweet heart and he mentions Jayden all the time. It makes me sad at the same time. He is excited to start basketball this winter! I am proud of him that he wants to try something new. He is now a Wolf in Cub Scouts and already had his first campout! 

I am so blessed with these two amazing children.

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