Sunday, December 17, 2017


I have been so bad at keeping up with my blog. I wish I was better, but time just gets away from me. Life between both kids activities, school, homework, my work, my business, and just keeping up with the home gets busy. I used to love to blog. It was an outlet for me. I sit and think about how much life has changed in the past years. I love watching the kids grow, but then again life is just moving too fast for me. I wanted to share a picture of the kids with Santa this year. Addison was very hesitant to sit on his lap, but Santa reminded her that you are never to old to believe and sit on Santa's lap. :)  That made me smile! Love these two so much!

1 comment:

jbaedke said...

Hi there,
Imagine my surprise to see a Baedke blog!! I tried one years ago and just let it go after some weak attempts! Where are you from? Iowa? We are located in VA - with sons and g'children that match up with your family. So cool!

PM me back if you'd like (

Blessings for the new year!