Monday, August 11, 2014

Long time

It has been awhile since I have been able to write and update with pictures. I am hoping this is the start of me being able to catch up now. Today is a big day in our household, Jay starts a new job and we are praying that it is the best fit for him. He has been out of work since March and even though we know it was a blessing in disguise, it has been tough.  I can hardly believe that this summer has flown by as fast as it has. Next week Addison turns 8 years old...not sure how that can be! She also starts second grade, man these years are just flying by way too fast! Addison is of course as excited as can be to start school. It has been nice having Jay home and getting to spend that extra time with him over the summer that we don't normally get. I know this will be a great opportunity for Jay, but we will miss him around the house.  I know he is so ready to get back though into a day to day routine.

I have a busy week of Addison's party on Wed and then getting ready for my brother's wedding this weekend! I can not believe it is finally here! We are all looking forward in celebrating this weekend! Well I better get going. I hope to keep up to date with this. I will leave you with this cute picture of my brother and his soon to be wife!

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