Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Visiting Dad at Work

Today we went to go visit Jay at his work and have lunch. Addy was so excited right when we saw Jay. It was so cute. She of course wanted to run around the whole building. We had a great time seeing where Jay works and the Sears building is amazing and so big. He took us to all the different parts of the main area and then we had lunch. So many choices in their cafeteria. It is just like a food court. Addy had fun eating and enjoying some of Mom's pizza. Then we went back to Jay's desk so we could see where he works. As you can tell from the pictures Addy had fun sitting where Dad sits and typing. We were glad we were able to get out there to see his building.

1 comment:

stacy said...

I can see the little CEO now! She look so happy!