Friday, August 7, 2020

Summer...what is Summer?

 Man oh man, I have dropped the ball yet again on updating this blog.

 I would like to say I will get better, but life just keeps getting crazier and crazier. We are moving out in less than a week here of our home we have been in for 14 years. I can't even believe it. We have made so many memories in this house. 

A week from today we will say goodbye to our first home.
The home we have been in for 14 years.
The home we moved into when I was pregnant with Addison.
The home we brought 2 babies home.
The home we returned after losing Jayden.
The home we had many birthday celebrations.
The home both of our kids crawled for the first time and took their first steps.
The home we celebrated many holidays in.
The home that we had to say goodbye to our sweet Ariel.

We never thought we would be in this house for as long as we have been, but it has brought us so many joys and happy memories. I also wouldn’t have thought we would be moving during a pandemic, but this is what it is.

We are so blessed and so thankful.💗

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