Monday, February 8, 2021

Happy 2021!!!

 I swear I mean well, but I can't keep up with this blog. I am so sad, because I love reading the past posts.

Well we start the year off, with Addison in 8th grade and Austen turned 11 and is in 5th. We are now in our new home and loving everything minute! We are very blessed to have found this amazing house and neighborhood.  Jay is still working from home thanks to Covid, but I also have found a full time job where I get to work from home!

It is a blessing for sure, but not everyone is used to me working all the time. It is an adjustment, but we are so thankful.

Addison is doing volleyball at Mission and Austen has found karate as a new hobby.

We are hoping to go to Florida in June and we need the break! 

I really promise to be better!