Friday, August 7, 2020

Summer...what is Summer?

 Man oh man, I have dropped the ball yet again on updating this blog.

 I would like to say I will get better, but life just keeps getting crazier and crazier. We are moving out in less than a week here of our home we have been in for 14 years. I can't even believe it. We have made so many memories in this house. 

A week from today we will say goodbye to our first home.
The home we have been in for 14 years.
The home we moved into when I was pregnant with Addison.
The home we brought 2 babies home.
The home we returned after losing Jayden.
The home we had many birthday celebrations.
The home both of our kids crawled for the first time and took their first steps.
The home we celebrated many holidays in.
The home that we had to say goodbye to our sweet Ariel.

We never thought we would be in this house for as long as we have been, but it has brought us so many joys and happy memories. I also wouldn’t have thought we would be moving during a pandemic, but this is what it is.

We are so blessed and so thankful.💗

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Easter...Quarantine Style

So Easter was a little different this year as well as everything else. We had a nice casual morning at home and my parents stopped by with Easter goodies for the kids. It was so weird not having to rush anywhere.

These times are tough, but I know we will be stronger once we make it thru to the other side of all this. The kids are struggling a bit with not being able to see friends or hug my parents, but this will all pass. I have hope and faith that we are getting closer to the time that things will slowly get back to a little bit of normal life. It will of course never be the same, but nothing really ever is.

 Social Distancing Easter Picture

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What day is it?

I swear it sure is hard to keep track of what day it really is. It is hard to imagine the time when we were able to go to work, when the kids were in school, when we got to see family.

How is everyone doing out there? We have had some good moments. Last week was Spring Break, but it was different than it was supposed to be. Kids did not have get togethers with friends, I didn't get to have a girls night with my friends, Jay didn't get to travel for work.

We are enjoying family time by watching some movies that Jay and I loved. There are days when it feels like we are just in the movie Groundhog day. I know this is all necessary, but I am praying it all ends soon.

I have been keeping sane by getting up early and working out with my workout group. We get up by 6 to do a workout together via Zoom. It is so motivating! I love it!  I also got to catch a singer that Jay and I used to listen to at the Bradley bars... Hello Dave.

The kids also have been able to use Zoom to see their classmates and teachers. I keep reminding the kids that they are so lucky to have this technology to keep up with their school work and to FaceTime with their friends.

Here are some pictures from the past couple of days!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

A Week

We have made it a week of being in the house. The kids survived their first week of e-learning and now we are officially on Spring Break!
We didn't have plans for Spring Break, but we at least planned on going places. We were going to head to Iowa to visit friends and family, but that had to be cancelled. This past weekend should have been Addison's last tournament with her volleyball team.

There are times when it is getting tough and we don't think there is an end in site, but I have hope that this will all come to an end soon enough. We will learn to appreciate so much more.

I admit the kids are handling it a little better than I am, but I am trying. Addison has been doing fashion shows with her clothes and cleaning out her closet of clothes that do not fit anymore or that she just doesn't like. Austen has been keeping busy with his drawing, listening to his favorite tv stars, reading. Here are some pictures of the last couple of days.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Day 2

Here is to Day 2 of e-learning. I think we did pretty good. I have hope and faith that we will get through this and be stronger because of it!
We had to get Addison's tooth fixed from when she fell. I treated them to McDonalds and then we headed home. We had e-learning for most of the afternoon. Austen and I took a virtual tour of the National History Museum in DC. It was pretty cool/ We decided to take break and went for a  walk. We then celebrated with a green milk and green beer. 

We will get through this! 

Monday, March 16, 2020


I always plan to update more on here, but as always other things get in the way. Due to the US Coronavirus outbreak we are being forced to stay inside as much as we can and away from big crowds.

  • Kids school have been closed.
  • My work has been closed
  • Starting today restaurants and bars will be closed to dine-in
I have seen lots of things come out from this outbreak and one thing that I think we need to remember is being kind doesn't cost a thing. I just don't understand all the rudeness and judgement. We need more smiles and less hate.

I will be better at updating. Today marked Day 1 of the kid's e-learning. It went surprisingly well! I am currently on my own while Jay is at work, but hopefully will be home sooner than later!