Friday, July 19, 2013

The Perfect Mom

This good to know!  I swear lately I feel like whatever I do it doesn't matter I still can't get it quite right. I think it has hit me more this summer with Addison being home all day. Since being in all day kindergarten she was used to being busy every min of the day. The summer starts and for the most part we have been pretty busy with vacations, seeing family and just getting together with friends. There are of course those days where what we are doing doesn't please the kids. I am happy with days that I just have at home.
I also feel like I have been getting more frustrated this summer with the kids. I feel like I am constantly saying "No", "Please just be nice", "Don't do that", "Just play nice together", "Can mom just go to the bathroom for 2 min?" I know you are thinking, well that is just part of being a mom. I get that. I just hate that I feel like I yell more than I would like. I don't remember my mom yelling when I was little, lord I hope my kids don't remember that about me. I came across a blog from another mom and parts of it definitely hit home.  The post talked about how this mom, like a lot of moms, are always in a hurry when kids are more at taking their time and just enjoying life. This mom had said that at one point she finally looked thru the eyes of her child. She said that when they would go to the store she would let her child set the pace and not rush thru like she normally would do. The mom would push thoughts of her agenda out of her head and just observe her child.  After reading this blog, I realized wow sometimes I do say "Hurry up, we are going to be late" a little too much.
It is amazing to see the world thru a child's eyes. There are times that I watch Austen and I am like what is he thinking. It is amazing. I think every parent should step back and just watch their children and see how amazing they are. I know there are times I stop and look at Addison and say "When did you get so big?". It is crazy. I still remember when she was just turning 2 and not even talking much and now she won't stop. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am very blessed to have two amazing, healthy kids.

I know at times if you see me I may seem frazzled, frustrated and feel like I have lost control, but I know I have to remind myself that I am being the best mom I can for my children. One thing is for sure they will never EVER question how much they are loved by their parents.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summertime fun

Thursday, July 11, 2013

True Love

Today would have been my Nana and Papa's 60th wedding anniversary! Please think of my Nana today, I know this is a hard day for her! She was so blessed to have Papa, there wasn't anyone who loved someone as much as my Papa LOVED my Nana! He was telling her he loved her up until his last day! Everyone could feel that love! Missing you Papa! This is a picture from one of their anniversaries that Addison and I got to spend with them thanks to my mom! Loved this day so much! Who am I kidding we were all so blessed to have Papa in our lives!!! He was taken from us way too soon! I am sure he is telling some stories up in heaven. Love you Papa

Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy 4th of July with Friends!

Fun in St. Louis with cousins