I recently started following this page on facebook thanks to a friend you recommended me checking it out. I am so glad I did. There is a post each day for moms and it is something that any mom can relate to. I love reading every entry and story and by reading them it makes me think okay I am doing this mom thing right. There are times I login to read it and I say "Oh my gosh, that is exactly what I was feeling like today".
Beautiful Mama -
Most of the time, I feel that if I actually had to interview for this Mama job..I would get the “Don’t call us, we will call you” response. In other words, there are some better applicants we want to talk to first.
Thankfully, nature does not work that way.
Sometimes, as in my case, you find out you are to be a mother when it was not even in your plan at the time.
Suddenly, without any training or job experience I am a mother.
Just my child and I learning together.
It is a life altering experience
I would not be who I am today without those unqualified moments
Moments where I was lost and I had no choice but to find my way.
If it were just me, I might have given up
But because I had this child that depended on me, I knew I did not have a choice – I needed to figure out how to be a Mom.
Mama, I think that those unqualified moments are where our true beauty shines.
We feel lost and unqualified inside but yet we choose to keep on going each day.
We choose to do the best that we know how in those moments.
And you know what? That is enough.
Those are the moments that make us qualified to be a Mama.
We are qualified for the job.
Certified in motherhood in those moments where we feel the most lost.
Cause in those moments, we grow and change and show our amazing selves to our child.
You are qualified Mama!
Certified to be the amazing Mama you are!
You meet all the job requirements – just by being you.
Mom Whispers
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