Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pregnant with Baby #2

Life is sure different this time around being pregnant. I am of course loving every minute of it, feeling the baby move is one of the most magical things about being pregnant. I feel like Addison is at a great age for Baby #2 to come around, she is already talking to the baby and says she is ready to be my big helper. This time around though I am more tired and trying to keep up with everything around the house sure is tough. If I could hire a cleaning lady I so would. I just feel like I am doing the best I can with being pregnant and having a 3 year old. I will try to update this more on a regular basis.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Addy has some news!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Patrick Swayze

It has been a sad week for me to hear of the passing of Patrick Swayze. He was an amazing actor and of course in my favorite movie of all time. My heart goes out to his wife and family during this whole time. The entertainment world will not be the same without you.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mommy's Little Helper

Last week I had a taste for chocolate chips cookies so I thought it would be fun for Addy to help me make them and she had a blast. Here are some pictures of my little helper.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Pictures

I know I have been bad and haven't posted in a while. Lots of stuff has been going on and we are for sure keeping busy. I can hardly believe it is already September. Time is flying by. Addison is developing her own little personality that is for sure. She has her little friends that she likes to play with at my work. I love watching her play and interact with her friends at work. Since I haven't had any updated pictures I have attached some recent ones.