We just got back from Florida on Saturday and it was a great trip. We missed Jay a lot, but Addy really loved the water and was not afraid at all of the water. She was so brave. I was so proud of her. We were able to go to Fort Myers Beach two times this trip which was good since Addy wasn't feeling so well the first time we went there. We went down to the ocean the same ocean I swam in when I was her age and she LOVED it. She had the BIGGEST smile on her face whenever the waves would come. It was great to be able to see her smile on her face on the same beach that my sisters and brother grew up loving. I am blessed to have a family that loves my daughter so much. There was never a time on our trip when I had to worry about who would play with Addy. I think one of the neatest things for me to see is how my brother was with her. He was so amazing with her and she loves being with him. He just has so much patience with her and just has this calmness about him when he is with her. It is really too precious for words. Enjoy the pictures. Warning there is a lot so I may post in two different posts.

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