Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Playdate with Keira and Natalie

Today we had a very busy day. Addy's best friend Keira came over to play. I had put Addy down for an earlier nap so she was sleeping when they arrived, but was excited to see both Natalie and Keira when she woke up. It is fun to watch them. Keira really liked playing with the baby doll and was very loving with the baby. It is good she is like that since she has a little brother on the way. One big thing that Addy and Keira have in common is they both LOVE Dora the Explorer. They both get really excited to see Dora. We had such a nice visit and it is always nice when you have kids that will play together that way the moms can talk. They also loved running and chasing each other. The cutest was when they said goodbye. They gave each other a bunch of hugs, of course my camera is so slow so I tried to capture it. Keira is talking a lot so she would go up to Addy wave and say Bye Addy. It was adorable! Hope you enjoy the pictures!

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