Jay and I had a pretty fun day yesterday. My mom watched Addy in the afternoon so we could run some errands and go see a movie. So despite all the choices out now we decided to keep in the holiday spirit and see Fred Claus with Vince Vaughn. We both love every movie that Vince has been in so we didn't think he would disappoint us. We were right. I thought the movie was a great addition to my already favorite holiday. Vince was his same funny self and really brought the movie to life. Paul Giamatti played an amazing Santa Claus. The movie had a great storyline and message and by the end I was a little teary-eyed. I know what you are thinking, but I guess I am a little emotional these days. I just love those type of holiday movies. Christmas is the best time of year for everything.
Addy is having a lot of fun looking at snowman everywhere along with playing with the ornaments on the tree. She of course loves to take them off the tree and bring them to either one of us and then wants to put them back on the tree. She definitely adds a lot more to this holiday season. We enjoy seeing her get excited about all the new things she sees. She still isn't quite talking yet...well talking in a language we can understand, but she sure has a lot to say in her own.