Yes it is, although sure doesn't act like Screech. So Jay and I went to Zanies Comedy Club last night and saw Dustin Diamond. Let's just say when we picked up our tickets the women at the box office goes just so you know, his show is very R rated! We are like ok yeah we know. So then they get ready to seat us and they ask us if we would like the table up front or one row back. Jay speaks up and says we would like the one up front. Ok so here we are in the first row of tables sitting at the center table. I was a little nervous since being up on stage usually the performers go to the front row people to make comments. I was half right.
They had two other people on before him that were pretty good and then when they announced him it was so surreal to see Screech from SBTB standing in front of me. First of all he starts of the show swearing and he says you are all probably thinking Screech said F$#& and guess what I will say it again. He made a couple of SBTB references. It was amusing for me since I was a HUGE SBTB fan. I think all and all it was a great experience. He was very entertaining and left us laughing so hard so that is the whole point of going to a comedy club? At one point he looks down to me and said you are a pretty good looking girl...I was like did Screech just say that? Ha another surreal moment. Anyway I am glad Jay suggested it and if I had the chance to see him again, I probably would. So if any of you ever have the chance to see him I would say do it. Come out it is a once in a lifetime experience to see Screech up close.
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