Hope everyone has had a great halloween! Addison had a great Halloween. She really got to experience it much more this year. We went over to Nana and Papa's first to say hi and then we went to downtown Crystal Lake in the afternoon to trick or treat to all the stores. Addy liked seeing all the kids in their costumes and there were a lot of kids. She got pushed by Jay in the stroller while I held her trick or treat bag. After that we came home to catch the trick or treaters. She loved helping Jay out with handing out the candy and seeing all the kids come up to the door. The evening ended with us trick or treating to Nonna and Grandpa's and a pizza dinner. All and all I think she had a pretty great Halloween! Enjoy the many pictures!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Hope everyone has had a great halloween! Addison had a great Halloween. She really got to experience it much more this year. We went over to Nana and Papa's first to say hi and then we went to downtown Crystal Lake in the afternoon to trick or treat to all the stores. Addy liked seeing all the kids in their costumes and there were a lot of kids. She got pushed by Jay in the stroller while I held her trick or treat bag. After that we came home to catch the trick or treaters. She loved helping Jay out with handing out the candy and seeing all the kids come up to the door. The evening ended with us trick or treating to Nonna and Grandpa's and a pizza dinner. All and all I think she had a pretty great Halloween! Enjoy the many pictures!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Weekend Fun
We had a pretty good weekend. Friday night we got to have a date night out to my favorite restaurant On the Border. I was able to enjoy a nice relaxing dinner and even have a margarita! YUM! Addy had fun staying at Nonna and Grandpa's and playing with Auntie Em and Uncle Steve. Saturday was pretty relaxing. Sunday I got to go to a craft show with my mom without Addy. She stayed with Jay to have some quality time. It was nice to have time with just my mom, but unfortunately the craft show wasn't very exciting. We were able to go to another one and found some stuff, but still not as great as we thought. Luckily there are craft shows every weekend from now till the middle of December! We are happy!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Addy's First Halloween Party
On Sunday we were invited to a Halloween Party that was being hosted by one of the new moms I met at the mom's group. It was fun to let Addy get out and play with other kids and for me to talk to the moms more. It was cute seeing all the kids in their costumes. This picture was the best one we had with all the kids. It was fun seeing Addy with other kids and just being able to be outside. Looks like that was one of the last nice days we will have for a long time. Not much else is going on. Still searching for jobs and pursuing the Partylite. I have my Aunt's party tomorrow night so hopefully that will bring big sales! Then this weekend I am looking forward to going to one of my favorite Craft Shows with my mom. Also it looks like Jay and I will be able to go to another favorite of mine, One The Border restaurant! Very excited. It is the small things you know...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Moms Group
Okay so today was a fun day. I was invited by my friend Stacy to go to a moms group thru her church. I was a little nervous about going, meeting new people and all, but it was a lot of fun and I felt like a lot of the moms were dealing with a lot of the same things I am going thru. It made me feel better. It was also easier since Stacy was there with me so at least I knew one person.
I dropped Addy off at the nursery where two women watch the kids. I was worried about her, but I know she would have fun with all the toys and the kids. I didn't hear her crying or anything so I thought all was good. We were in our group for about an hour and a half, come back to find Addy in the arms of one of the women. The minute she saw me she jumped out of her lap and cried for me. It was hard to see her like that, but I know it is good for her to play with other kids when I am not there. She is always used to seeing me there though.
Even though I know someday I will have to take her to preschool and leave her, I still get sad since I am used to being with her all the time. Though I know it was good for me to have that time alone for myself. I know it is only healthy. I am looking forward to attending the group again.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Addison is 14 Months Old
Where has the time gone? Where is my little baby? Right now she is non stop moving all over and after she leaves a room you know she has been there. Sometimes I think why bother to clean up when all she is going to do is take everything out again. I have learned my lesson to wait till she goes to bed. Her favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! She is so mesmerized by Mickey. I guess it could be worse. Luckily I am a Disney fan too.
Not much is really new since the last time I posted. I was hoping to hear back from some jobs that I applied for, but still nothing. I have been following up so we will see. Jay is headed to a job fair next week so I think that will be a positive experience for him. We are keeping good thoughts.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
This weekend wasn't too eventful. I have a feeling that this week is going to be a good week for Jay and I, as well as Addy. I just have a feeling. Which I think is a good thing. Today was a nice day. Jay was off, so that is always a plus. We just relaxed at home while we watched the Bears. Although they lost, the game was pretty exciting. Addy was good during it and has learned to do "Touch Down" with her hands. Very cute!
We were going to go to another pumpkin patch today, but it was raining on and off all day. Oh well. We will probably try to go on Wednesday when Jay is off again. Well I am off to clean up our family room. No matter how much I have cleaned up Addy always comes in and manages to take all the toys she has out of her toy basket. Gotta love her!
We were going to go to another pumpkin patch today, but it was raining on and off all day. Oh well. We will probably try to go on Wednesday when Jay is off again. Well I am off to clean up our family room. No matter how much I have cleaned up Addy always comes in and manages to take all the toys she has out of her toy basket. Gotta love her!
Friday, October 12, 2007

So Addy and I checked out a storytime at the Library today and boy does she just want to move. It was very cute and there were stories and music, but for someone as active as Addy she has to be able to move around and play. She wants so bad to play with other kids. She is such a loving child. She loves giving hugs.
I am trying to find other things for us to do that one don't cost money and two are inside especially since the weather is starting to get colder.
I am also trying to keep my mind off of looking for jobs. It seems like Jay and I have so much going on. Hopefully we will have some good news soon! I am posting some other pictures. Of course she already loves talking on the phone. Already a social butterfly.

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Searching for Jobs
I have been really trying hard to find some part time job that would work with our schedule and I am just not having much luck. I have applied at a lot of places and still have some good leads, but it is just a little frustrating. Hoping something will work out for both of us soon. Sometimes it is hard to stay positive, but I know we have to for little Miss Addison.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Reconnecting With Friends
I just had to post real quick and say I think it is great how people reconnect with old friends and classmates. Within the past couple weeks I have reconnected with friends that I went to highschool with, but lost touch with after graduation and everything. I think it is funny how life changes and how everything comes around again. Sorry if this is not making too much sense, I am pretty tired. I don't sleep past 6:30/7:00 these days. Sad I know, but Addison is worth it.
Anyway I really hope that I will be able to get together sometime soon with these friends. Even though it is fun to catch up over email, it will be even more fun to catch up in person. Well with that sad I should get some sleep, never can tell if Addy will wake up in the middle of night or not.
Anyway I really hope that I will be able to get together sometime soon with these friends. Even though it is fun to catch up over email, it will be even more fun to catch up in person. Well with that sad I should get some sleep, never can tell if Addy will wake up in the middle of night or not.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Pumpkin Patch

Today we went to the Pumpkin Patch with my parents. Addy fell asleep as soon as we got there, but eventually she woke up and was already to run around and get pumpkins. It was kind of an odd day to be at the Pumpkin Patch since it was 88 degrees out. Still a really fun day and I am glad my parents came with!

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Okay so I decided to do another post today. I have a little extra time since Miss Addy went down for a nap in her pack and play. Thank goodness. She needed it.
So I really need to get some new jeans and just some new everyday clothes. Luckily I have some gift cards to use, but still as I have been searching online I have found that clothes at shops I usually shop at are just so not my style anymore. I don't know if it is because I am not working anymore or what? Or maybe styles are just changing all around and since most of my time is spent with Addison I am not around a lot of other people my age. I have been on several different websites that I usually look at Old Navy, Gap, Steve and Barry's and the outfits are just something I would never where. Which leaves me with the question where do I shop for clothes now? Lately when I go shopping (not that it is very often since we are watching our pennies), but it is usually shopping for clothes for Addison. Lucky Girl! She has many people looking for clothes for her. My sister Emily and my mom are guilty of that for sure! I tell my sister hey don't forget me.
So now where does that leave me? Any suggestions on places to shop for some new cute clothes?
So I really need to get some new jeans and just some new everyday clothes. Luckily I have some gift cards to use, but still as I have been searching online I have found that clothes at shops I usually shop at are just so not my style anymore. I don't know if it is because I am not working anymore or what? Or maybe styles are just changing all around and since most of my time is spent with Addison I am not around a lot of other people my age. I have been on several different websites that I usually look at Old Navy, Gap, Steve and Barry's and the outfits are just something I would never where. Which leaves me with the question where do I shop for clothes now? Lately when I go shopping (not that it is very often since we are watching our pennies), but it is usually shopping for clothes for Addison. Lucky Girl! She has many people looking for clothes for her. My sister Emily and my mom are guilty of that for sure! I tell my sister hey don't forget me.
So now where does that leave me? Any suggestions on places to shop for some new cute clothes?
This week
Not too much is going on this week. We are trying to keep positive and stay busy. I have been searching and applying for a part time job. While Jay has been looking for a new one too. In the middle of everything we are trying to keep up with Addy.
Luckily Addy and I have been pretty busy with visiting with my friend Michelle and her daughter Bella on Monday. Then on Tuesday we met my friend Natalie and Keira for lunch. It is nice to have things to do to keep your mind off of other things. Jay was off yesterday and it is always nice when he has a whole day off from work. He needs it!
This weekend we are looking forward to going to the Pumpkin Patch with my family. We just know Addy will have a fun time. I am sure we will have pictures to post from that!
Luckily Addy and I have been pretty busy with visiting with my friend Michelle and her daughter Bella on Monday. Then on Tuesday we met my friend Natalie and Keira for lunch. It is nice to have things to do to keep your mind off of other things. Jay was off yesterday and it is always nice when he has a whole day off from work. He needs it!
This weekend we are looking forward to going to the Pumpkin Patch with my family. We just know Addy will have a fun time. I am sure we will have pictures to post from that!
Monday, October 1, 2007
Meeting Isabella Lynn
Addy and I went today to visit my good friend Michelle and to meet her precious baby girl Bella. I was so excited to finally meet her! She is just too cute. Here are some pics to share. Addy loves tickling feet, so she tried tickling Bella's feet. Thankfully she was gentle. She just can not wait till Bella is old enough to play with her.
It was so good to see Michelle too. We will make sure to set up some playdates soon!
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