We want to wish my parents a very Happy Anniversary. They are the best parents that anyone could possible ask for. My parents are not only the best parents, but even more amazing grandparents. We love them so much! Hope you have a great anniversary!
Addy was such a big girl and helped Jay wash the cars over the weekend. She was so excited and did a great job!!! Austen had fun playing in the water table while they were washing the cars. Here are some cute pictures of this fun event!
This past Sunday Addy competed in her second race. She loved it and was SO excited! She ran so fast and was so determined to win the race! Here are some pictures I got from the race. Enjoy!
This is a little late in posting, but we had a great Father's Day. Jay's mom came to town and we went to the Brookfield Zoo. The kids had a blast! Addy has been wanting to touch stingrays, so when we went Jay thought it was the day to go. She had a blast and was so much more braver than I thought she would be. Check out the pictures!
Addy was excited to meet up with Nana and Papa and my mom after they got off the train. We had made a sign and had a balloon. They were really excited to see us and glad we could make his day a little bit more special. Here are some pictures I took! We hope Papa has an amazing day and we love him very much!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Yesterday we went to the park by our house to meet up with Sarah and her son Truman (Addy's boyfriend) and Megan and her sons Evan and Brandon. Sarah and Truman are moving to Chicago this weekend and we are going to miss them so much. I worked with Sarah at Health bridge and Addison and Truman have become great friends, well technically they were boyfriend/girlfriend. Addy was telling everyone on how Truman was her boyfriend. They were so cute together. Here are some of our pictures from the park!
The new park by my parents house is finally finished and Addison couldn't have been more excited. We were able to go there with my parents this past Sunday while Jay was out of town for work. The kids had the best time and I am sure we will go back many times. Check out the pictures!
We were able to go last week to meet my cousin's new son Preston. Addy had fun playing at Aunt Karen's house and Austen had fun playing with Papa. Here are some pictures of the day.