When we had Austen's 1 year pics taken, the photographer was kind enough to snap some shots of Addison too. These are just too precious. She is getting so big right before our eyes.
I can not believe our boy is 1. We had a friend of mine take the pictures and they turned out so good! There are just so many good ones to choose from.
Austen had a great 1st birthday party. It was very small with just a few close family members and friends. This was the perfect party for Austen. Here are some pictures I got from his big day!
Here are some pictures from his actual birthday. We started the day with breakfast at Olympic with my parents and then spent the day at my parents house. Austen got to try his first Happy Meal from McDonalds for lunch. He also had his 1 year checkup. He is now 20 lbs and 30 inches long. The doctor said he is looking good and right where he should be. He did have to get some shots I felt so bad for him. I still can not believe that Austen is 1. Austen's picture was also on NBC for 1st birthdays, so cool! Time flies too quick.
I can not believe it has already been a whole year that Austen was born into this world. How fast time flies! Austen has been an amazing baby, the delivery was a little rough, but our little boy has made all that so much worthwhile. We love you so much Austen Michael and we are so excited to celebrate with your birthday tomorrow!