This past Sunday we went downtown with my parents to see the decorations at Macy's and also to visit with my sister Emily, my brother Bryan and his girlfriend Sarah. The kids enjoyed seeing the decorations as well as seeing family. We also stopped by the theater that Donny and Marie were performing at. I just wish I could have seen the show.
Addy had her first Christmas concert at her preschool last week. It was so cute and luckily she was on the end so we could see her the whole time. We are so proud of our little star!
On Sunday we went to see Santa in downtown Crystal Lake. He is by far my favorite Santa to see. Addy was so excited and all ready to tell Santa what she and Austen wants for Christmas! Austen was all smiles as we walked up the steps to the Santa house and saw him. He even said Ho, Ho, Ho, but when we got close enough for him to sit on his lap he just kept saying " No, No, No". Poor guy, maybe next year will be better. Enjoy the pictures!
This year we went to Aunt Karen's for the little cousin's christmas party. It was a lot of fun and we were able to get everyone together. Here are some pictures from our fun day!
I was having fun with Austen and Brayden yesterday. Brayden is the little boy I babysit and the two have a lot of fun together! Here are some cute pictures!