Claire was born on July 16 and was 7 lbs and 19 1/2 inches long. She is the first child for Sara and Scott. We are happy for them both and can't wait to meet her!
Addy, my mom and I went to Keira's birthday party yesterday and had a lot of fun. I would say that Addy definitly had the most fun. You can tell by the pictures. There were so many different things for her to play with. She loves to color and was so good as sharing the crayons.Here are some of the pictures!
How can this precious little girl of ours be so close to turning two? It feels like just yesterday we were getting ready to go to the hospital. She has changed so much and now that she is saying Mama it is like music to my ears. It is the best sound that I could ever hear. We can't wait to celebrate her 2nd birthday!!!
So we decided to try out Randall Oaks again this weekend since Jay's mom was in town. Addy was still just as terrified of the animals and she was before, but she LOVED the ducks, peacocks and fish. She didn't mind seeing the other animals, but from a far. It was still a fun thing to do. We got some cute pics.
Saturday we went to my Aunt's house for my cousin's going away party. He will be leaving soon to go work in Seattle for Microsoft. It was fun to see family and meet my Aunt's new golden retriever puppy Wrigley. Addy loved him and I think he loved Addy too. Addy also got to play with Spencer and just have fun outside. Here are some pictures from the party.
We went to Healthbridge last week with my mom and it was a lot of fun. Addy loved the pool and has no fear of anything. My mo also bought her ice cream. She loved it and was such a big girl! Here are some pics from our fun day!
Today my good friend Michelle and her daughter Bella came over for a visit and for lunch. Bella and Addy were wearing matching outfits. So adorable! Of course Michelle and I planned it that way. :) Bella took a step or two at our house...she is getting so close. She is definitely standing as much as she can and is so adorable. She loved laughing at Addy as she went running back and forth. I was so glad that we finally got together and hope we can see each other real soon! Enjoy some of the pics!
This past Friday was Nana and Papa's 55th wedding anniversary! Addy and I were invited by my mom to go out to lunch with them at Port Edwards. Addy was so great at lunch. She always gets so excited when she sees Papa and then she runs to Nana. It is cute. She looked at the fish and lobsters with Papa and even got her own dessert of ice cream. We took some pictures and thought they turned out really cute. The dress she is wearing is adorable. She got it from her Aunt Charlotte, Uncle Josh and cousin Riley. The shoes were thanks to Auntie Em. She wanted to wear them so I had no choice. Enjoy pics!
I wanted to send my prayers and thoughts to the Laudick Family during this hard time. Therese Laudick passed away last week. I have so many highschool memories of being at the Laudick's house for get-togethers, cast parties, summer parties and even a camp out. She was always such a friendly and sweet person. I felt so comfortable at their house. She had the most amazing Christmas village with all her houses. It was one of my favorite things during the holidays. She will be missed by so many people.
Today Jay, Addy and I met my parents at the Lakeside Gala. It was a lot of fun. We went to see our favorite band Hello Dave! They did not disappoint and gave a great performance! My parents were kind enough to help watch Addy since she didn't want to watch the band the whole time. They ended up taking her back to their house and Jay and I enjoyed the rest of the concert. Addy also rode the carousal for the first time with my mom and loved it. My dad got some great pics. We had a great 4th of July weekend!
We had a wonderful 4th of July. Our festivities started at Addy's friend Parker's 1st birthday party. We had a lot of fun and we also got to see Addy's other friend Tessa who we haven't seen since she was really little. The weather was beautiful and Addy loved being outside with the other kids. For dinner we went to my parents for a BBQ and Addy loved watching Grandpa light off fireworks. She thought it was hilarious. She also loved talking to Nonna and playing with Auntie Em and Uncle Bryan. It was a wonderful day! Enjoy the pictures!
Last week Addy and I went to the park by our house and ran into a highschool friend of mine Scott and his son Ethan. It was the second time we have run into each other at the park. It is always nice to know someone there at the park especially when it is always pretty crowded during the summer. Well Addy thought Scott was hilarious. He was hiding from her and jumping out and she thought it was pretty she laughed so hard and loud that everyone could hear her. When she really gets laughing it is hard not to laugh right along with her. I was trying to get her to calm down so she wouldn't go to close to the edge, but Scott thought her laugh was funny so he would keep doing it. Gotta love that. :) I think Ethan got a little jealous of Scott playing with Addy, but it is good for him to deal with that now since Ethan will be a big brother in November!! Here are a couple of pics.